1 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. chopped nuts 1 stick butter Mix flour and butter into coarse meal, add nuts. Press in 9x13 baking dish. Bake 15 minutes, 350 oven. Cool. STEP 2: 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1 c. Cool Whip 1 c. powdered sugar Mix Cool Whip and powdered sugar. Add cream cheese. Spread evenly over crust. STEP 3: 2 pkgs. instant pudding, vanilla or vanilla and chocolate, or 2 chocolate Mix this with 3 cups cold milk. Mix until thick and spread over 2nd mixture. STEP 4: Top with Cool Whip and refrigerate several hours. |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
4 Layer Delight
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ice Cream Cake taken to the next level: Decorated by Jamie
The kiddies loved it! So did the adults. Sorry no pic of the inside. You will have to just make it to see for yourself.
Tip from Angie: Make the Ganache the day before and let harden in the fridge! Emily tried to make this right before she needed it for the party and it never harden. More like chocolate syrup dripping off the cake.
Monday, July 20, 2009
We all Scream for Ice Cream!
Ice Cream Cake by ANGIE F.
1 box cake mix (any flavor EXCEPT ones that call for Butter)
2 eggs
1 1/2 C water
*1 gallon any flavor ice cream (rectangle cardboard box type is the easiest to use)
Mix cake ingredients well in a bowl and pour into a foil or parchment paper lined jelly roll pan.
Bake at temperature stated on cake mix box for 15 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool.
Place into a freezer overnight, or if you baked it in the morning, you can freeze it until late afternoon.
Take ice cream and unwrap the box.
Place other half of cake on top and press down lightly.
Fold paper/tinfoil back around the cake, put in a pan and freeze until center is frozen again (about half a day).
Place back in freezer until ready to eat.
1- Mint chocolate-chip ice cream with chocolate cake,
2- Chocolate cake bottom, strawberry ice cream middle, yellow cake top and topped with sliced strawberries and bananas, then covered with chocolate ganache.
Chocolate Ganache
2 C heavy whipping cream
1 1/2 C chocolate chips (milk chocolate goes w/ chocolate cake, semi-sweet for other flavors)
Melt chocolate chips and whipping cream in a double boiler over medium heat.
Stir until smooth.
Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
Can be refrigerated until ready to use, but you will need to heat it in the microwave for about 20 seconds before using.
Excess can be refrigerated.
*Can also make white chocolate ganache by using white chocolate chips or almond bark.
**Ganache makes great filling for truffles by rolling into balls and covering with cocoa powder or powdered sugar or dipping in chocolate/almond bark. Can also flavor with peppermint oil or other flavor.
***Works great for dipping fruit in like fondue!
by Hollie
I like to do this when you have extra dessert laying around that either you are sick of or you shouldn't really eat the rest of it cause it would be overdosing on the calories. But it takes care of it for later when you just have that craving for a dessert but you don't want the whole pan of brownies. Just eat your previously mixed and frozen brownie chunk ice cream. SO GOOD. Just put in a cute container if taking somewhere and they will think it is homemade! Such trickery, I love it.
*3 Basic Steps:
1. Cut mix-ins to about 1 inch each side.
2. Freeze so that they keep stay intact chunks when you stir them in the ice cream.
3. Stir frozen mix-ins into slightly thawed store-bought ice cream and put in a freezer safe container to refreeze. (Don't thaw ice cream too much or it will be all hard and crystalized when you eat it. Thaw just enough so that stirring is pretty tough.)
anything they do at COLD STONE!
birthday cake- (cake batter ice cream)
Marie Calender's Razzleberry pie
peanut butter softened with some vegetable oil
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bagels by Cassidy
1/2 cup raisins, pre-soaked*
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp sugar
1 cup lukewarm water
3 cups white flour
3 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp salt
3 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
* Soak the raisins in warm water for 10 minutes. Drain and pat dry. Toss with combined cinnamon and sugar, then place in bread machine with rest of ingredients.
1. Put ingredients in bread machine adn press start. Remove the dough from machine after the first knead, approximately 20-30 min. If you don't have a machine, combine ingredients as if you are making bread.
2. Palce dough on a floured surface. Divide into 6-8 parts. Form balls. Gently press thumb through center of ball and slowly stretch into bagel shape. Let rise 10 minutes.
3. While bagels rise, bring three quarts of water adn one tbsp. of sugar to a rapid boil.
4. Using a slotted spoon, drop 2-3 bagels into the boiling water. Boil on each side for 1/2 minute. Remove and cool on rack for 1 minute. Brush with egg white.
5. Bake at 400 degrees F on a baking sheet with cornmeal or parchment paper, approximately 15 minutes.
Just changing a few things iwth this basic recipe can make all different kinds of bagels. Take out teh raisins and cinnamon, add some honey and substitute 1 cup wheat flour and you have honey whole wheat bagels. The combinations you can create are endless. If you see a bagel you like in the store, you can create it at home.
Suggestions: honey whole wheat, blueberry, cinnamon sugar, chocolate chip, onion, orange cranberry, apple cinnamon, spinach and cheese, etc.
Bagel Hints: Make a bunch of bagels at once and freeze for later.
Quick Bagel Meals:
- Open faced tuna melts: cut bagel in half, throw on a thin piece of cheese to cover teh hole, layer tuna, then another piece of cheeseand broil.
- Pizza: cut bagel in half, add sauce, pepporoni, then cheese, broil in oven
- Egg and Cheese Sandwich: Make eggs as you would an omelette, but fold into square. Layer on bagel and top with cheese. Cover with other half of bagel.
Stawberry Cream Cheese: Mix 8 oz cream cheese with 1 tbsp jam, add more to taste.
Cinnamon Honey Butter: Combine the following with a mixer:
1/2 c. butter, 1/2 c. honey, 1 tsp cinnamon, splash of vanilla
Thanks Cassidy!
Tani was the winner of the roundest bagel contest. She showed off her mad skills and was rewarded accordingly.
Short Demo: Wonders of a Salad Spinner
Plus, spinning it is so much fun and never ceases to amaze you!
Ode to the Salad Spinner
by Luke Barber per Hollie's crazy request
Ah the luxury of a salad spinner,
while in the kitchen I feel like a winner.
Makes it easy to decide what's for dinner,
and by eating it's contents I stay thinner.
The green leafy goodness contained inside,
takes me on a glorious vegetable ride.
It tastes so good you'd think I had died,
and how ironic that none of it's fried.
It looks so aestethic wiht dressing on top.
It I start eating I'm afraid I won't stop.
Gardening Class by Lynn, Amy's father
Amy, the lovely daughter that she is...and RS President.. got me lined up to teach a class on Grow Boxes and Vegatable Gardening in Las, with some handouts from LDS.ORG on the importance of gardening and growing your own food..and along with some local information..we proceeded going thru the steps and even did some thinning of the beets, carrotts, and radishes..!..Provident Living in Action!
The Sisters hit PAY DIRT..winning 3 large bags of PAY door prizes..if you will look closely at the bag, you will see the first Relief Society using it in their gardens...okay..maybe not RS sisters..but they are women!
After some instructions and a Q&A period on materials, and "how to's" we had great smoothies and home made muffins from food storage items..bless those RS sisters for always providing DESSERT...all in all a nice cooler early summer evening was spent together in learning and sharing from one generation to the next..
I hope that Amy's Grandpa was smiling about how small the "produce" field was..after all the years he grew and sold produce from horse and wagon up the roads of Utah from Provo to Park City to the miners etc.. Uncle Jesse, his son, in his late 80's, carries on the tradition in Provo, with a large 1/4 acre garden each year!
Nonetheless..following the promptings of the Prophets and doing what you can ..where you are "planted" what is important and where the blessings will come.
Thanks for sharing the anytime for help . Lynn.Hollie's Favorite Chocolate and Candy Recipes